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China Unveils 5th Batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritages, 12 in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-09-29 19:17

China Unveils 5th Batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritages, 12 in Henan



China's 5th batch of 445 national intangible cultural heritages has been released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China recently, said a source from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province on September 26, 12 of which are from Henan, involving folk literature traditional fine art, snack making technique, traditional medicine, folk customs, etc. Up to now, Henan has embraced 125 national intangible cultural heritages.


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The 12 items are as follows: Legend of Xuanzang, a monk in the Tang Dynasty (People's Cultural Center of Yanshi District, Luoyang City); Luogushu, a Shanzhou-style ballad story-telling performance (Mass Art Gallery of Sanmenxia City); Baofeng-style magic (People's Cultural Center of Baofeng County, Pingdingshan City); Nanyang-style pyrograph (Pyrograph Factory of Nanyang City); Lushan flora-design porcelain firing technique (Cultural Center of Lushan County, Pingdingshan City); making technique of Jiaxian-style jade inlaid with such metals as gold, silver, copper, etc., (Cultural Center of Jiaxian County, Pingdingshan City); cooking technique of Hulatang or hot pepper soup of Xiaoyao town (Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center of Xihua County, Zhoukou City); Zhang-style meridians & collaterals treatment (Hospital of Meridians & Collaterals Treatment of Xinxiang City); Song-style TCM surgical treatment (Jinggeng Rehabilitation Hospital of Ruzhou City); spring ox (made of earth or paper) whipping in celebration of the Beginning of Spring (Museum of Government Office of Neixiang County, Nanyang City); temple fair at Fire God Tower in Shangqiu (Cultural Center of Suiyang District, Shangqiu City); and memorial ceremony for Laozi, a philosopher in the sixth-century B.C. (Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center of Luyi County, Zhoukou City).

这12个非遗项目名称与保护单位分别是:玄奘传说,洛阳市偃师区人民文化馆;陕州锣鼓书,三门峡市群众艺术馆;幻术(宝丰魔术),宝丰县人民文化馆;烙画(南阳烙画),南阳市烙画厂;鲁山窑烧制技艺(鲁山花瓷烧制技艺),鲁山县文化馆;金镶玉制作技艺(郏县金镶玉制作技艺),郏县文化馆;小吃制作技艺(逍遥胡辣汤制作技艺),西华县非物质文化遗产保护中心;中医诊疗法(张氏经络收放疗法),新乡经络收放医院;中医诊疗法(宋氏中医外科疗法),汝州市金庚康复医院;农历二十四节气(内乡打春牛习俗),内乡县县衙博物馆;庙会(商丘火神台庙会),商丘市睢阳区文化馆;祭典(老子祭典),鹿邑县非物质文化遗产保护中心。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 视频/实习生王君艺 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing