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Grain Output to Exceed 65 Billion Kilograms in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-10-18 17:05

Grain Output to Exceed 65 Billion Kilograms in Henan



Currently, Henan province has entered a critical period for its autumn harvest and wheat sowing. However, days of continuous rain with a result of higher soil moisture and water pooling in fields have posed great challenges.



How is the harvest going in Henan? Will its total grain production this year be less than those in previous years?



Up to October 14, 91 percent of autumn crops cultivation land covering an area over 108 million mu (1 mu equals to 0.067 hectares) in Henan has been harvested, said Wang Junzhong, deputy director-general of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Only some late sown varieties, such as the rice along the Yellow River, sweet potato and vegetables, left unharvested. Affected by the torrential downpours in July, both low-lying farmland and floodwater storage areas have been waterlogged severely. Arduous efforts across the province have been made to reduce losses caused by disasters. Despite some reduction in autumn output, the total crop production is still expected to exceed 130 billion jin (65 billion kilograms).

河南省农业农村厅副厅长王俊忠说,截至10月14日,全省作物已收获1.08亿亩、占播种面积的91%,除部分沿黄水稻和红薯、蔬菜等晚茬作物外,秋收工作基本结束。7月份特大洪涝灾害,导致特别低洼地块和蓄滞洪区严重积水。各地全力开展抗灾减灾,千方百计减轻灾害损失,从收获情况看,尽管秋粮有一定程度减产,但全年粮食总产保持在1300亿斤以上,还是有基础有希望的。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 海报/实习生王君艺 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing