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Craftsman Dedicated to Revitalization of Tri-colored Glazed Pottery in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-11-05 18:52

Craftsman Dedicated to Revitalization of Tri-colored Glazed Pottery in Henan



Nanshishan village of Luoyang city, Henan province, is famous for producing exquisite ancient-style tri-colored glazed pottery (or Sancai, a kind of Chinese porcelain characterized by a glaze with three intermingled colors, flourished in the Tang Dynasty). As an important village of Sancai culture in China, Nanshishan has been thriving for thousands of years. Almost everyone living in the village can make copies of the ancient tri-colored glazed pottery and terracotta figures. Nowadays, a group of youngsters have returned to Nanshishan for their businesses, which has injected new vitality to the traditional tri-colored glazed pottery. Gao Zhe is one of them.



Back to Luoyang for tri-colored glazed pottery technique learning



Gao Zhe, a young native of post-90s, has kept an indissoluble bond with tri-colored glazed pottery since he was born. His father, Gao Shuiwang, is a representative inheritor of the firing technique of tri-colored glazed pottery, a national intangible cultural heritage project. Gao Zhe was grown up in the workshop, and therefore the defective pottery became his toys. For this reason, since childhood, he has been familiar with each workshop, kiln and exhibition hall, and witnessed the hardships in making tri-colored glazed pottery and inheriting such a technique.


A tri-colored glazed camel. [Photo provided to Dahe Daily]

"To some extent, my father raised me by making and selling tri-colored glazed pottery." Gao Zhe said that he has fostered a special affection for them.



Gao Zhe went to America to study international trade when he was 19. Looking back, he still remembers a special marketing class during which his teacher asked them to choose a product and promote it to all the international students present. What he chose was a piece of tri-colored glazed pottery from his hometown. "When I finished my presentation in English, my classmates were deeply impressed!" Gao Zhe said that they found it incredible that Chinese farmers can turn a pile of clay into such exquisite art works. It was because of this presentation that the professor gave him a high score and that he gained a new understanding about the tri-colored glazed pottery.



To introduce the exquisite tri-colored glazed pottery to the world so that more international friends can realize their artistic value and appreciate the charm of traditional Chinese culture, Gao Zhe returned to Luoyang after graduation.



Defective products smashed every year worth more than 1 million yuan



Upon returning to his hometown, Gao Zhe couldn't wait to learn the firing technique of tri-colored glazed pottery from his father. Under his father's guidance, he learned each process carefully and attentively.


A cartoon figure designed by Gao Zhe. [Photo provided to Dahe Daily]

To ensure the quality of tri-colored glazed pottery, they established a strict rule: Any work that even has the slightest flaw must be broken into pieces.



In a corner, a variety of broken pieces of tri-colored glazed pottery are scattered everywhere. "If you find a flaw in your work, it will be smashed no matter how complicated the firing technique is." According to Gao Zhe, many of those smashed are relatively expensive, and basically, nonprofessionals can not spot the flaw. If calculated according to the market price, the value of those broken works each year exceeds 1 million yuan.



Creative works popular among the youngsters



With the development of society, people's tastes are changing, too. How to meet the youngsters demands? As a new inheritor, Gao Zhe has his own idea.



"I don't think that the youngsters dislike tri-colored glazed pottery, but the old-fashioned themes, such as camel, horse and terracotta figure.” According to Gao Zhe, in recent years, he has added modern elements to the traditional firing technique with his partners and designed many creative products.


Creative figures designed by Gao Zhe. [Photo provided to Dahe Daily]

At the exhibition hall, rows of creative figures featuring a group of female musicians preparing to perform at the royal palace stand out. Gao Zhe said that after the debut of Night Banquet in Tang Dynasty Palace (a show made by Henan TV), such amazing products sold well in the market and were in short supply sometimes.



Gao Zhe is now developing a research base of tri-colored glazed pottery, attracting hundreds of primary and secondary school students almost every week.



"Luoyang is my home. Only in Luoyang can I tell the story about tri-colored glazed pottery in a more genuine way!" According to Gao Zhe, as a new inheritor, he wants to bring such a technique passed down for generations to a greater height. "Luoyang is now being built as a youth-friendly city. I also have the responsibility and obligation to make a contribution to Luoyang by making more people fall in love with Sancai and Luoyang."

“洛阳就是我的家,我只有在洛阳才能把唐三彩的故事讲得更真实!”高哲说,作为唐三彩新一代的传承人,他要把祖辈传承下来的手艺发扬光大。“现在洛阳正在建设青年友好型城市,作为青年的一分子,我有责任和义务在唐三彩这个行业为洛阳出一份力,让更多人喜欢唐三彩,爱上洛阳。”高哲说道。(中文来源/大河报 记者/曹杰 程飞虎 编译/赵汉青 海报/王君艺 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing