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Latest Quarantine Requirements for Inbound Travelers to Zhengzhou

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-11-17 20:19

Latest Quarantine Requirements for Inbound Travelers to Zhengzhou

境外人员入郑要经过哪些步骤? 隔离+健康监测+核酸检测


Zhengzhou, the capital city of Central China's Henan province, has strengthened its management of inbound travelers, said the local COVID-19 prevention and control headquarters on November 16.


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For fully vaccinated inbound travelers who have already finished the 14-day centralized quarantine at the first point of entry into China, the "7+7+2" health management policy (7-day home quarantine with medical observation, 7-day health monitoring, and 2 rounds of nucleic acid tests after the week-long health monitoring, once every 7 days) shall be taken.



For those who have already finished the 14-day centralized quarantine at the first point of entry into China but without fully vaccinated, they have to undergo a 7-day centralized quarantine, followed by a 7-day health monitoring. After the week-long health monitoring, 2 rounds of nucleic acid tests are required, once every 7 days.

对未全程接种过WHO认证新冠疫苗的入境人员,完成14天集中隔离后,先落实7天集中隔离,解除集中隔离后再落实7天健康监测,健康监测结束后2次核酸检测(每7天一次核酸检测)。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 播音/王家琦 制作/王君艺 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing