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Performance of Henan's County Economy in 13th Five-Year Plan Period

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-11-30 13:17

Performance of Henan's County Economy in 13th Five-Year Plan Period



County economy ("County" here refers to counties and county-level cities, excluding districts of the prefecture-level cities; the same below) in Central China's Henan province plays a significant role in the province's overall economic development since Henan's 70 percent of permanent residents and 61 percent of economic output are respectively living in and produced from the county-level regions which cover 85 percent of the province's total administrative regions. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), Henan's GDP of the county-level regions exceeded 3 trillion yuan with a nominal annual rise of 8.2 percent in per capita disposable income, said a source from Henan Statistics Bureau on November 29.


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Specifically, Henan's GDP of the county-level regions reached 2.72 trillion yuan in 2016, jumped to 3 trillion yuan in 2018 and stood at 3.37 trillion yuan in 2020 accounting for 61.3 percent of the province's total. In comparable terms, from 2016 to 2020, Henan's GDP of the county-level regions saw an average annual growth of 4.7 percent with a total economic output exceeding half of the province's total. In other words, county economy has provided a strong support and a solid foundation for Henan's overall economic development.

数据显示,“十三五”时期,河南县域地区生产总值(GDP)2016年为2.72万亿元、2018年跃上3万亿元台阶,2020年达3.37万亿元,占全省的份额为61.3%。按可比价计算,“十三五”时期县域GDP年均增长4.7%,经济总量占全省经济总量的多半,县域经济是河南省经济发展的强力支撑和坚实底盘。(中文来源/大河网 记者/刘杨 翻译/赵汉青 视频/王君艺 播音/王家琦 审校/张军平)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing