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Fossils Prove Henan's Southern Taihang Mountain Was an Ocean in Remote Antiquity

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-12-16 21:37

Fossils Prove Henan's Southern Taihang Mountain Was an Ocean in Remote Antiquity



Can you imagine that today's lofty southern Taihang Mountain was totally "swallowed" by the vast ocean in times of remote antiquity?



On December 13, an experienced fossil collector showed us his collections which have proved such a statement.


Fossil collected by Wang Deshun. [Photo/Dahe Daily]

Wang Deshun, retired from Jiaozuo Coal (Group) Co., Ltd., is 58 years old now and is living in Shiyuan village of Xicun town, Jiaozuo city, Henan province. Since the village is located in the southern Taihang Mountain, he has fostered a special affection for the mountain. Over the years, Wang Deshun has collected some two thousand fossils of different kinds from the southern Taihang Mountain.



On the afternoon, Wang Deshun showed his collections to us, including many fossils exclusive to the southern Taihang Mountain, such as the fossilized cephalopods, gastropods, brachiopods, coelenterates, plants, etc., which witnessed the geological and geomorphic changes of the southern Taihang Mountain.


Fossil collected by Wang Deshun. [Photo/Dahe Daily]


On December 15, Dr. Niu Yongbin, an associate professor at Henan Polytechnic University, told us that he has visited Wang Shunde many times, his collections can be identified as the fossilized marine lives mainly in Ordovician and Carboniferous periods -- physical evidence proving that today's lofty southern Taihang Mountain was an ocean in times of remote antiquity and reflecting the environment changes in such a region to some extent.


Fossil collected by Wang Deshun. [Photo/Dahe Daily]

"It's hard to find fossils now, mainly relying on luck. Quarrying was a common business in this area in the past, so it was easier to find fossils, but today, it is harder." Wang Deshun told us that in the future, he hopes to open a science center to better show his collections to the public.

“采集化石,非常不容易,可遇不可求,以前太行山开山采石多,化石暴露也多,现在越来越难见到了。”王德顺说,未来,他希望将自己采集的这些化石办成一个正规的科普场馆,向社会开放。(中文来源/大河报·豫视频 记者/李岩 编译/赵汉青 王家琦 海报/王君艺 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing