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A Special China-Europe Freight Train Launched in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-12-22 19:55

A Special China-Europe Freight Train Launched in Henan



Through the Land Silk Road, Henan-made products have been sold to all over the world. Henan's first China-Europe freight train (Xuchang-Zhengzhou-Europe) with the road-rail intermodal transport system made its debut on December 21. A total of 16 containers of goods will be transported to Zhengzhou International Hub from Xuchang Bonded Logistics Center by road first, and then to Germany by rail, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou), via Khorgos.


China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou). [Photo/dahe.cn]

The launching of such a road-rail intermodal freight train symbolizes the commencement of "Xuchang-Zhengzhou-Europe" international logistics channel.



China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) is a pivotal platform of Henan's high-level opening-up. As of December 20, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) has made a total of 5,343 trips with the cargo value exceeding 20 billion U.S. dollars, of which 1,457 trips were made this year, already surpassing the total trips of last year. Among more than 60 cities with China-Europe rail freight services in China, Zhengzhou has always been at the forefront in China in terms of the freight train's marketization and sustainability.

据了解,中欧班列(郑州)是推动河南高水平开放的重要平台和载体。截至今年12月20日,中欧班列(郑州)8年多来累计开行5343班,总货值逾200亿美元;今年以来已开行1457班,超过去年全年开行总量。在全国开行的60多家中欧班列中,中欧班列(郑州)市场化程度、可持续发展能力保持领先。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/王平 王延辉 王烜 编译/赵汉青 海报/王君艺 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing