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Zhengzhou's International Rail Freight Bullish in 2021

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-01-10 17:51

Zhengzhou's International Rail Freight Bullish in 2021



A total of 2002 international cargo trains departed from or arrived at Zhengzhou city of Central China's Henan province in 2021, with 1.2183-million-ton goods worth 7.503 billion U.S. dollars transported, said a source from Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone on January 8.


In recent years, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou), a pivotal platform of Henan's high-level opening-up, has been developing rapidly. Last year, 4 new direct freight routes were opened linking Zhengzhou with Katowice (Poland), Milan (Italy), Mersin (Turkey) and Kaliningrad (Russia), thus forming an international freight network with "twelve destinations and six entry-exit ports". In addition, building of China-Europe freight train assembly center in Zhengzhou has facilitated the development of international freight train service with "multiple countries, various freight routes and distinctive features", and formed an efficient Zhengzhou-centered collection and distribution system based on its routes and hubs.

作为推动河南高水平开放的重要平台和载体,这些年来,中欧班列(郑州)不断加速“奔跑”。去年,郑州新开通至波兰(卡托维兹)、意大利(米兰)、土耳其(梅尔辛)、俄罗斯(加里宁格勒)4条直达国际线路,形成了“十二站点、六口岸”国际物流网络体系。同时,随着中欧班列郑州集结中心的加快建设,郑州逐步形成了“多主体、多线路、差异化”的国际班列运行格局,打造了以郑州为中心的“干支结合、枢纽集散”的高效集疏运体系。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/王延辉 编译/赵汉青 海报/王君艺 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing