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Henan's Box Office Revenue during Spring Festival Ranks 1st in Central China

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-02-07 20:58

Henan's Box Office Revenue during Spring Festival Ranks 1st in Central China



Over the past weeklong Spring Festival holiday, Henan province saw 5.777 million moviegoers with its box office revenue reaching 299 million yuan, accounting for 5 percent of the national total, ranking 6th in China and 1st in Central China, according to box office tracker Maoyan on February 7.

2月7日,记者从猫眼专业版获悉,2022年1月31日除夕至2月6日正月初六的春节期间,河南全省电影票房收入2.99亿,观影人次577.7万人,河南春节档票房收入约占全国春节档总票房收入的5%,取得了在全国省份中排名第六,在山西、河南、安徽、湖北、江西、湖南6个中部省份中排名第一的好成绩。(中文来源/顶端新闻 记者/王峰 编译/赵汉青 海报/王君艺 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing