Ceremony to Worship 'Yellow Emperor' Held in Xinzheng, Henan
With the theme of "May Peace and Harmony Be with Us from the Same Root and Ancestor", a grand ceremony to worship the Yellow Emperor (also known as Huangdi or Xuanyuan), who is widely regarded as the initiator of Chinese civilization and the ancestor of all Chinese, was held in Xinzheng (the hometown of the Yellow Emperor), Central China's Henan province, on April 3, the third day of the third lunar month.
The ceremony to worship the Yellow Emperor. [Photo/dahe.cn]
The grand ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere following 9 established procedures: a 21-gun salute, the offering of flower baskets, burning incense, worshiping the Yellow Emperor, reading the lines of worship, singing odes, dancing, praying for China, and wishing for society to be in harmony. Besides, the new statue of the Yellow Emperor was unveiled in the ceremony.
The ceremony to worship the Yellow Emperor. [Photo/dahe.cn]
To worship Xuanyuan on the third day of the third lunar month is a tradition of the Chinese nation. The event has become a soul tie that unites the Chinese people around the world for a better future.
黄帝是中华民族的文明始祖,“三月三,拜轩辕”是中华民族的文化传统,连年成功举办的黄帝故里拜祖大典已成为华夏儿女寻根拜祖的心灵之约和精神回归,凝聚起全球华人四海同心,一起向未来。(中文来源/大河网 记者/田凯中 刘杨 摄影/贾志昊 编译/赵汉青 审校/丁岚)