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'Air Silk Road' Linking Henan with ASEAN Launched

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-04-06 21:56

'Air Silk Road' Linking Henan with ASEAN Launched



The ancient Silk Road bridges a further cooperation for the Central Plain with other countries in the new era. On the afternoon of April 5, a passenger plane (K6894) operated by Cambodia Airways was successfully arrived at Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, Central China's Henan province, not only marking the resumption of the air passenger route linking Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia, with Zhengzhou, but also the official launch of the Air Silk Road linking Henan with Cambodia and other ASEAN countries.



In September 2020, Cambodia Airways launched the first air passenger route from Phnom Penh to Zhengzhou, but suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic in November following China's circuit breaker arrangement. In the future, the flight will be made once every two weeks, which will strengthen personnel exchanges and economic and trade cooperation between Henan and the ASEAN countries as well as the RCEP member countries.



Compared with the Air Silk Road from Zhengzhou to Luxembourg, this new route is for the passengers and cargo of Asian countries with Phnom Penh and Zhengzhou as two aviation hubs. In December 2021, Xinggang Investment Group of Zhengzhou acquired 28 percent of stake in Cambodia Airways and became the second largest shareholder next to the Cambodian government, thus commencing a new chapter in building the new Air Silk Road.



Cambodia enjoys an outstanding geographical advantage, whose flight duration to other ASEAN countries is usually between 0.5 and 3 hours.

据了解,柬埔寨与东盟各国的飞行时间在0.5小时至3小时之间,有突出地缘优势。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/沈剑奇 编译/赵汉青 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing