China (Zhengzhou) International Mail Hub Opens
A ceremony marking the official launch of China (Zhengzhou) International Mail Hub was held on the morning of May 26 in Zhengzhou, meaning that inbound mails to Henan and its surrounding areas can be cleared and distributed in Zhengzhou hereafter, instead of in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Outbound mails from other provinces can also be delivered directly from Zhengzhou.
大河网讯 国际邮件无需绕道“北上广”,在郑州直接分拨转运!5月26日,中国(郑州)重要国际邮件枢纽口岸业务开通仪式举行。这标志着从今天开始,进境国际邮件在郑州开拆验关后,直接分拨转运至对应省份,无需再“绕道”北上广;外省出境国际邮件实现在郑州集运直接发往境外。
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In 2021, the cargo and mail throughput of Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport expanded 10 percent year-on-year to more than 700 thousand tons. For two consecutive years, it has ranked 6th in China and top 40 in the world in terms of freight volume. Besides, its international cargo and mail throughput exceeded 540 thousand tons, ranking 5th in China for five consecutive years, with over 10 thousand inbound or outbound cargo flights handled, hitting a record high.
据了解,2021年,郑州机场年货邮吞吐量突破70万吨,同比增长10%左右;货运规模连续两年位居全国第6位、跻身全球40强;国际地区货邮吞吐量突破54万吨,同比增长23%,连续5年位居全国第5位;出入境货运航班首次突破1万架次,创历史新高。(中文来源/大河网 记者/何心悦 编译/赵汉青 审校/李文竞)