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Henan's Featured Agricultural Products Popular Worldwide

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-06-21 15:10

Henan's Featured Agricultural Products Popular Worldwide



Recently, a local tea company in Xinyang city of Henan province received a black tea order worth 1 million yuan from Malaysia. The customer asked for prompt delivery. Benefiting from the green channel set up by Zhengzhou Customs for agricultural products, the company completed customs clearance on the same day and delivered their goods smoothly.


Xixia's shiitake mushroom. [Photo/dahe.cn]

"We have seen a fast increase in our export business. In the first 5 months, our export value registered nearly 30 million yuan, doubled that of the same period of last year. We are planning to expand into new markets." The company's president told Henan Daily on June 18.



This company is only among various tea exporters in Henan. So far, Xinyang city has seen its green tea, black tea, brick or compressed tea and matcha (powdered green tea) exported to 19 countries and regions, such as Uzbekistan, Spain and the US, said Xinyang Customs. During the January-May period, 128 million yuan of tea was exported via Xinyang Customs with a year-on-year increase of almost 50 percent. The ever-accelerating export business also boosts the quality and quantity of the local tea industry.



Despite many unfavorable factors in foreign trade, Henan has seen strong growth momentum in the export of agricultural products this year. In the first 5 months, the export value of agricultural products of Henan expanded 70.3 percent year-on-year to 7.56 billion yuan. Xinyang's tea, Nanyang's mugwort, Zhongmu's garlic, Xixia's shiitake mushroom and various canned foods, vegetables, meat, etc., were the main exports.

今年以来,在外贸发展面临诸多不利因素影响下,河南农产品出口却逆势而上,增速强劲。据郑州海关统计,今年前5个月,全省农产品出口额达75.6亿元,同比增长70.3%。其中,“信阳茶叶”“南阳艾草”“中牟大蒜”“西峡香菇”以及各类罐头、蔬菜、肉类等特色农产品是主要出口品类。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/孙静 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 审校/张军平)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing