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Ever-Lasting Friendship Between 'Foreign' Professor Shirley Wood and China

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-06-22 17:37

Ever-Lasting Friendship Between 'Foreign' Professor Shirley Wood and China



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She began to learn Chinese from her husband who had a Guangxi accent upon coming to China, and later by herself with an English-Chinese dictionary. As a teacher, she taught students English words and expressions from their daily life, such as flowers and trees on campus and various dishes at canteens, or through lively activities, such as the role-play of book borrowing at libraries. She was not only a respectable scholar and learned professor, but also a real "Kaifenger". She shared joys and sorrows with the Chinese people and forged ahead with Henan University in China's reform and opening-up. Her name is Shirley Wood, professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Foreign Languages, Henan University. She passed away at the age of 96 in Kaifeng city at 4 am on April 7, 2022. She lived in China for more than 70 years. Shirley Wood's death drew great social attention. Why did she have a deep affection for China?

大河网讯 她从踏上中国的黄土地就开始学汉语,先是跟广西口音的丈夫学,后来抱着一本英汉大词典整天“恶补”;她带领学生们满校园跑,用英语认识花草树木,到食堂用英语描述大饼、油条、面条、米饭,到图书馆要同她这个编外“图书管理员”用英语交流借书;她是值得敬重的学者专家,也是个地道的“老开封”;她与中国百姓同甘共苦,与改革开放中的河南大学一起砥砺前行。这是一个晚辈眼中的“洋”教授,她就是河南大学外语学院教授、博士生导师吴雪莉(外文名:ShirleyWood),因病医治无效,于2022年4月7日凌晨4时在开封逝世,享年96岁。吴雪莉教授的辞世受到社会各界的高度关注,这位老人扎根中国70余载,为何对这片土地爱的如此深沉?(中文来源/大河网 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing