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China's Home-made C919 Completes Test Flight in Zhengzhou

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-07-06 17:01

China's Home-made C919 Completes Test Flight in Zhengzhou

首迎国产大飞机起降 C919圆满完成郑州机场试飞


China's first home-made large passenger jet C919 successfully completed its test flight at Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport on July 5.



China's home-made C919 completes test flight in Zhengzhou. [Photo by Wang Zechun for Dahe Daily]

The C919 is China's first single-aisle passenger aircraft independently developed in line with the highest international airworthiness standard. With an extended range of over 5,500 kilometers, the C919 launched its maiden flight on May 5, 2017, with a performance comparable to that of the world's latest single-aisle passenger aircraft.

据了解,C919飞机是中国首款完全按照国际先进适航标准研制的单通道大型干线客机,具有中国完全的自主知识产权。最大航程超过5500公里,性能与国际新一代的主流单通道客机相当,于2017年5月5日成功首飞。(大河报·豫视频 记者/王新昌 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing