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Newcomers Settle Down at Zhengzhou Zoo

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-07-07 17:16

Newcomers Settle Down at Zhengzhou Zoo


"Looking like monkeys, they usually fall asleep while eating, have feet but hardly walks, and can swim well." Who are they? Yes, they are sloths.


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Do you remember the funny Flash in the film of Zootopia? Although he is called Flash, he a three-toed sloth moves very slowly. The immigrant sloths in Zhengzhou Zoo are two-toed different from that Flash sloth, but they share the character that is moving slowly.



Newcomers settle down at Zhengzhou Zoo. [Photo: dahe.cn]

Beyond your imagination, they are even too lazy to eat. When being chased or attacked, they still crawl slowly to escape with a speed no more than 0.2 meters per second. Athough they crawl slowly on the land, they are good swimmers.



Why can sloths swim fast? Living in the wild, they are usually threatened by floods, so swimming is a survival skill for them. Sloths live in trees all year round, including eating, sleeping, and mating, etc. They have feet but hardly walk. Only when they defecate or have to choose a new tree for eating will they crawl to the ground.



Newcomers settle down at Zhengzhou Zoo. [Photo: dahe.cn]

Sloths sleep for 15 hours a day and forage only at night because they are too lazy. They follow a low-energy diet, eating plant leaves and fruits only. The settlers in Zhengzhou Zoo are 2 boys and 1 girl who live with giant anteaters as neighbors. During the summer, let's go and visit them.

因为懒得动懒得吃,那就得节省能量消耗,因此树懒每天要睡15个小时,只有夜间才出去觅食。它奉行低能量饮食,食用植物的叶片和果实。此次郑州市动物园引进了3只二趾树懒,2公1母。这3只可爱的树懒还和大食蚁兽做起了邻居,大家趁着暑假赶紧来看看吧,树懒还给大家带来了超多惊喜福利。(中文来源/大河网 记者/祝传鹏 实习生 李承洋 董裕雯 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 视频制作/王君艺 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing