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Henan Welcomes 106 Foreign-invested Projects in First 5 Months

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-07-07 17:33

Henan Welcomes 106 Foreign-invested Projects in First 5 Months



In the first 5 months, Henan province welcomed 106 new foreign-funded projects valued at 39.878 billion yuan in total, 19 more than the same period last year, including 26 photovoltaic power generation and new energy vehicle charging station projects totaling 11.77 billion yuan, 30 breeding and food manufacturing projects totaling 6.72 billion yuan, 16 electronic communication equipment projects totaling 5.95 billion yuan, 3 timber processing projects totaling 1.93 billion yuan, 5 warehouse logistics projects totaling 1.51 billion yuan, 3 general machinery manufacturing projects totaling 0.29 billion yuan, and 6 gas production and supply projects totaling 15.32 million yuan, said a source from the Development and Reform Commission of Henan Province on July 6.

7月6日,记者从河南省发展改革委获悉,今年1—5月全省共备案外商投资项目106个,总投资额398.78亿元,项目数量比去年同期多19个。按所属行业分,这批项目类型如下:光伏发电、新能源充电站有项目26个、总投资117.7亿元;养殖和食品制造有30个、67.2亿元;电子通信设备有16个、59.5亿元;木材加工有3个、19.3亿元;仓储物流有5个、15.1亿元;通用设备制造有3个、2.9亿元;燃气生产和供应有6个、1532万元等。(中文来源/大河网 文字/何心悦 编译/赵汉青 海报/王君艺 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing