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What Are the Highlights of Henan's Wheat This Year?

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-07-15 20:24

What Are the Highlights of Henan's Wheat This Year?



In Henan, the term "summer grain crops" mainly refers to wheat. What are the highlights of Henan's wheat this year? According to Zheng Kai from the Survey Office of the National Bureau of Statistics in Henan, there are three highlights:


Highlight 1



As a Chinese saying goes, adequate rain in previous summer brings good wheat harvest. With a precipitation of 228.5 mm last September, Henan's vast majority of wheat fields enjoyed sufficient soil moisture, thus benefiting the growth of wheat. Besides, the total sowing area of wheat was expanded. 


Wheat harvest in Henan. [Photo: Zhang Zhonghai for Dahe Daily]

Although the sowing date was postponed in Henan last year, the sowing was still done in proper time with 3 kilograms increased per mu (1 mu equals about 666 square meters), thus ensuring sufficient wheat supply. Accumulated temperature also increased before and in winter. From mid-October to the period of wheat starting to green up, the average temperature in Henan was higher than usual with an accumulated temperature rising more than 100 degrees Celsius, offsetting the deficiency of accumulated temperature of late sowing wheat.


Highlight 2



"The grain number per spike increased a lot over the last year," said Zheng Kai. It was due to the prolonged differentiation of young panicles. The high temperature and moisture before and in winter not only helped wheat to survive safely, but also prolonged their spike differentiation. 


Wheat harvest in Henan. [Photo: Zhang Zhonghai for Dahe Daily]

Besides, with relatively stable and suitable temperature, there was no freezing injuries caused by extreme low temperature. Timely water and fertilizer applications reduced the degradation of spikelets.



Highlight 3



Rare pests and diseases contributed greatly to thousand-kernel weight of wheat. Besides, large-scale pest and disease prevention and treatment protected root vigor and leaf functions of wheat, benefiting their growth during the grain-filling stage in which 20 to 22 degrees Celsius is the best. The average temperature of Henan in May was 20.9 degrees Celsius with distinct temperature differences between day and night. In addition, the weather was not too dry nor too hot, thus extending the grain-filling stage by 3.4 days on average.


Wheat harvest in Henan. [Photo: Zhang Zhonghai for Dahe Daily]

In addition, the weather was not too dry nor too hot, thus extending the grain-filling stage by 3.4 days on average.

“一喷三防”实现全覆盖,加之没有干热风天气出现,延长了小麦灌浆时间,平均延长3.4天。(中文来源/大河报·豫视频 记者/王新昌 编译/赵汉青 杨佳欣 海报/王君艺 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing