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Freight Trains Between Henan and Europe Run Fast Over Past 9 Years

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-07-21 16:51

Freight Trains Between Henan and Europe Run Fast Over Past 9 Years

从0到6000多,从1到16 河南“钢铁驼队”的九年“长跑”


At around 3 am on July 18, Dong Chao was still on duty at the Putian Station in Zhengzhou city, Henan province. Staring at a big screen connected to the real-time monitoring system, he was directing the operation of a train.



Sounding a long whistle, a China-Europe freight train carrying 50 TEUs of made-in-China products left the station for Hamburg, Germany. "From July 18, 2013 to July 18, 2022, China-Europe freight train has been operating for 9 years in Henan," said Dong Chao.



"It is a peak season." According to Dong Chao, "There was only one trip every month in the beginning, while there are even seven or eight trips (including goes and returns) per day now."


A China Railway Express in Zhengzhou. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Linking domestic and overseas markets, China-Europe freight trains in Henan have become a pillar in stabilizing foreign trade and ensuring the stability and smooth operation of international supply and industrial chains on the Silk Road Economic Belt.



China-Europe freight trains in Henan, also known as the "Land Silk Road", ran faster and faster over the past 9 years. Since 2013, freight trains between Henan and Europe have made more than 6,000 trips transporting almost 4,000,000 tons of cargo, with 6 indicators standing at the forefront of China. Besides, Zhengzhou has become the only CR Express assembly center in Central and East China.



China-Europe freight trains in Henan have gradually expanded its travel over the past 9 years. They have formed a global multimodal transport logistics network featuring 7 exit/entry ports and 16 direct routes with its services covering more than 130 cities of over 30 countries in the EU, Central Asia, Russia and the Asia-Pacific region.


A China Railway Express in Zhengzhou. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

"Our services are operated digitally, such as freight booking, door-to-door pickup, container management and parcel query." According to Kang Yan, deputy general manager of Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Co., Ltd.,  "Featured by the integration of freight and trade, digital trains as well as constant temperature trains, Henan has stood at the forefront of China-Europe freight train services across China."



Zhongyu is a new name for all China-Europe freight trains in Henan. Henan has embarked on a new journey to develop its "Land Silk Road" since January. To promote the coordination of China-Europe freight trains across the province and improve their quality and quantity, Henan named all its China-Europe freight trains Zhongyu, an important step for Henan's development of hub economy and pursuit of higher-level opening-up. Henan Zhongyu International Port Group is responsible for their operations.



"Opening-up determines development." According to Henan Zhongyu International Port Group, with the strategies of reshaping competitiveness and opening-up based on rules and institutions, they will integrate resources to bring the strengths of China-Europe freight trains in Henan together, thus further consolidating the role of Henan as a freight hub and expanding service coverage. Besides, they will develop Henan's advantages in location and transport into strengths in hub economy, by which Henan as an inland opening-up highland can provide high-quality service to the Belt and Road Initiative.

“开放的层次和高度决定发展的质量和水平。”河南中豫国际港务集团相关负责人表示,作为全省对外开放战略平台,企业将聚焦服务优势再造、制度型开放战略,整合全省资源资产,促进班列开行布网连链、攥指成拳,进一步巩固枢纽、拓展网络,做强和拓展“四路协同”产业链、供应链经济,积极推动交通区位优势向枢纽经济优势转变,在打造内陆开放高地和参与服务“一带一路”建设中发挥更大作用。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/王延辉 编译/杨佳欣 何蒙贺 海报/王君艺 审校/李文竞 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing