Festival Blessings Sent to Astronaut Liu Yang from Zhengzhou
As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, students at Zhengzhou No.11 High School are singing a classic song adapted from Tune: Prelude to Water Melody - How Long Will the Full Moon Appear written by the famous Chinese poet Su Shi (1037-1101) to express their blessings to astronaut Liu Yang on the Shenzhou-14 mission, who is 400 kilometers away from the earth now.
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China's 9th manned spacecraft Shenzhou-14 was successfully launched on June 5. Liu Yang, who comes from Henan province, is also a crew member. It has been a decade since her last space mission.
"As the teachers and schoolmates of China's first female astronaut, we are very proud of you, Liu Yang. May you bring us new knowledge, strength and courage and have a different Mid-Autumn Festival in the vast universe." Guo Qinxue, president of Zhengzhou No.11 High School, expressed his best wishes to Liu Yang.
Yang Zhijuan, Party secretary of Zhengzhou No. 11 High School, remarked that "It has been a decade since Liu Yang's last space mission. All of us are proud of her. Now, a fascination for aerospace and Liu Yang is sweeping the campus. As an excellent graduate of Zhengzhou No. 11 High School, Liu Yang brings our pride and glory to the vast universe. Now, I wish Liu Yang and other crew members a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"
郑州市第十一中学党委书记杨志娟说:“相隔十年,刘洋再次征战太空,我们全校师生为此自豪沸腾,校园里也掀起了刘洋热、航天热,刘洋把十一中学子昂首华夏傲苍穹、为国为民争光荣的自豪和荣耀带向了浩瀚宇宙。在此,祝福刘洋、祝福神舟十四号飞船航天员乘组中秋快乐!”(中文来源/大河网 记者/朱丽文 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 审校/李文竞)