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Festival Wishes Sent to Astronaut Chen Dong from Zhengzhou

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-09-09 16:33

Festival Wishes Sent to Astronaut Chen Dong from Zhengzhou

@太空“出差”的陈冬 这里有一份家乡的中秋祝福请查收


Three days away from the Mid-Autumn Festival, students from Jing'an Experimental Primary School in Luoyang city of Henan province read in chorus a poem The Mid-Autumn Moon written by the famous Chinese poet Su Shi (1037-1101) on September 7 to extend their best wishes to Chen Dong, an astronaut on the Shenzhou-14 mission and whose hometown is Luoyang.

大河网讯 2022年9月7日,距离中秋节还有3天,洛阳市景安实验小学的学子们齐声朗诵了一首苏轼的《中秋月》,他们在地球上写下这封带着思念的家书,要让中秋节的圆月和愿景穿越星际送给一位特殊的洛阳老乡——正在空间站“出差”的航天员陈冬。


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Chen Dong was appointed as the commander of Shenzhou-14 mission on June 4, 2022. As an old saying goes, the moon viewed at home is more bright. During the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, will Chen Dong miss his hometown and family since he is 400 kilometers away from the earth? And what differences in admiring the moon from the space station?



"Keep your promise that you will come back home after finishing your mission, and since the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, I hope you can eat delicious moon cakes," said Chen Dong's schoolmate Qin Le, who is a teacher at Jing'an Experimental Primary School.



To explore the vast cosmos is an eternal dream of the Chinese people. The ancient people expressed their relentless pursuit of this dream in poetry. Now, we have been able to fly to the mysterious space. Wish Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe, three astronauts on the Shenzhou-14 mission, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

中华民族自古以来就是追星星的人,问天、吟月、观星汉灿烂。古时的中华民族在诗词里畅想宇宙,如今的华夏儿女已飞向神秘莫测的太空,愿航天员们在“中国宫”的第一个中秋节万事顺意。(中文来源/大河网 记者/朱丽文 董蕾 翻译/赵汉青 杨佳欣 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing