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Beautiful Rural Road Supports Rural Vitalization

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-09-27 17:44

Beautiful Rural Road Supports Rural Vitalization

河南鲁山:美丽农村路 振兴新画卷


Located in Kuqu town of Lushan county, Pingdingshan city, Central China's Henan province, Huanhu Road starts from Xigou village while ends at Zhangwan village with a length of 25.4 kilometers and serves as an important channel around Zhaopingtai Reservoir, a secondary water source protection area.


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Built in 2002 and upgraded in 2019, Huanhu Road was named "Beautiful Rural Road" in Henan Province by the Department of Transportation of Henan Province in December 2021.

环湖路始建于2002年,2019年进行升级改造,2021年12月被河南省交通运输厅命名为河南省“美丽农村路”。(杨佳欣/播音 赵汉青/编译 蔡长伟 郜素艳 何蒙贺/视频 张军平/审校)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing