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Henan's Red Tourism Gathers Steam During Holiday

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-10-08 16:31

Henan's Red Tourism Gathers Steam During Holiday



Over the past 7-day National Day holiday, Central China's Henan province received 39.9585 million tourists with a total revenue of 19.179 billion yuan, said a source from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province on October 7. Besides, thanks to the effective measures implemented for work safety and COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, Henan's tourism market ran smoothly during the holiday.



The Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall in Anyang city. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

"Red tourism", a highlight of the holiday, inspired a strong sense of patriotism. For example, the Museum of the Former Capital of Hubei-Henan-Anhui Revolutionay Base attracted lots of tourists. Besides, the Red Flag Canal Metaverse Theater (Henan's first "metaverse theater") made its debut, enabling visitors to immerse themselves in the spirit of the Red Flag Canal featuring self-reliance, hard work, solidarity and cooperation through the technologies of XR and digital twin.

“中国红”成为国庆假期最亮丽的色彩,红色旅游点燃游客爱国热情。鄂豫皖苏区首府革命博物馆游客络绎不绝,他们仔细观看革命文物,聆听红色故事。河南首家元宇宙剧场——红旗渠元宇宙剧场之时空隧道建成亮相,剧场运用XR、数字孪生等技术还原修渠场景,让游客沉浸式感受红旗渠精神。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/刘春香 编译/赵汉青 杨佳欣 播音/实习生陈叶亮 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing