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Henan's Foreign Trade Volume Increases 15.9% in First 10 Months

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-11-28 19:00

Henan's Foreign Trade Volume Increases 15.9% in First 10 Months

前10个月河南外贸进出口增长15.9% 高于全国6.4个百分点


In the past 10 months, Henan's foreign trade volume expanded 15.9 percent year on year (the same below) to 718.28 billion yuan with a growth rate 6.4 percentage points higher than the national average, of which 442.71 billion yuan was contributed by exports while the rest by imports, increasing 17.5 percent and 13.4 percent respectively.



Apart from the highlight of 35.9 percent increase in September, Henan's foreign trade volume in October also experienced fast growth. Specifically, the province saw its foreign trade volume expand 41.7 percent to 98.56 billion yuan with a growth rate 34.8 percentage points higher than the national average, showing a strong development momentum.



New markets have increased and made remarkable achievements. Apart from the continuous growth in traditional markets such as the US and the EU, Henan's trade volume with the RCEP member countries and countries along the Belt and Road also reported rapid growth. Specifically, the trade volume with the US, the EU and the RCEP member countries expanded 11.3 percent, 20.6 percent and 26.2 percent respectively to 152.61 billion yuan, 78.68 billion yuan and 214.86 billion yuan. It is worth noting that Henan's trade volume with the ASEAN saw an increase up to 39.7 percent, while with the countries along the Belt and Road 37.3 percent to 188.19 billion yuan.

看市场,新兴市场开拓成效明显。在对美国、欧盟等传统市场进出口保持增长的同时,全省对RCEP成员国和“一带一路”沿线国家进出口增长迅猛。其中,对美国进出口1526.1亿元,增长11.3%;对欧盟进出口786.8亿元,增长20.6%;对RCEP成员国进出口2148.6亿元,增长26.2%,尤其是与东盟的贸易额增长达39.7%;与“一带一路”沿线国家进出口1881.9亿元,增长37.3%。(中文来源/大河网 编译/赵汉青 何蒙贺 播音/杨佳欣 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing