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Did ancient Chinese people play "golf"?

Source:dahe.cn Published:2022-12-26 23:26

Did ancient Chinese people play "golf"?


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Pingdingshan University has found more than 1,000 ceramic balls used in a golf-like ball game in ancient China in January of 2022. The university made the discovery while sorting out its ceramic collection, also finding several ball moulds and semi-finished ceramic balls. The relics are related to an ancient game called "Chuiwan" in Chinese. Prevailing in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties (1271-1911), Chuiwan is believed to have originated from "Budaqiu", a polo-like game dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It shares various features in common with modern golf, such as knocking balls into holes using sticks, and is thereby widely known as the ancient "Chinese golf".


Editor:He Menghe