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Henan Receives 13.0847 Million Tourists During New Year Holiday

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-01-03 19:10

Henan Receives 13.0847 Million Tourists During New Year Holiday



A news briefing was held by the Information Office of the People's Government of Henan Province on January 3 to introduce the province's efforts in boosting market confidence and promoting economic stability and progress.

大河网讯 1月3日,河南省政府新闻办召开新闻发布会,重点介绍河南省大力提振市场信心、促进经济稳定向好有关工作,并回答记者提问。


At the news briefing, Jiang Jiding, head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province, remarked that Henan's cultural tourism market is approaching a full recovery. Over the past 3-day New Year holiday, Henan received 13.0847 million tourists, 20.68 percent higher year-on-year, with a revenue of 6.107 billion yuan, up 27.39 percent from a year earlier. Scenic spots rated 4A-level or above received 1246.6 thousand tourists with a revenue of 80.4069 million yuan, increasing 44.56 percent and 57.65 percent year-on-year respectively. It is worth noting that ENJOY·LAND received 111 thousand tourists with a revenue of 7.92 million yuan, jumping 258.06 percent and 289.57 percent year-on-year respectively.

发布会上,河南省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长姜继鼎在答记者问中介绍,当前,文化和旅游业全面恢复的脚步已迎面走来。元旦三天假期,全省累计接待游客1308.47万人次,与2022年同期(假期前3天累计)相比,增长20.68%;累计旅游收入61.07亿元,与2022年同期(假期前3天累计)相比,增长27.39%。全省开放的4A级以上景区共接待游客124.66万人次,同比增长44.56%;旅游收入8040.69万元,同比增长57.65%。其中,银基国际旅游度假区接待游客11.1万人次,同比增长258.0/6%;旅游收入792万元,同比增长289.57%。(申华 王怡潇/文 赵汉青/译 杨佳欣/播音)

Editor:He Menghe