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Henan's Tourism Fully Recovered During the Spring Festival Holiday

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-01-28 11:54

Henan's Tourism Fully Recovered During the Spring Festival Holiday



Henan's cultural and tourism market has fully recovered during the Spring Festival holiday fueled by optimized COVID-19 response policies. As of January 27, Henan has received 33.7528 million tourists, up 21.9 percent year-on-year and 5.08 percent from 2019, said local authority on January 27. Besides, the tourism-related revenue has jumped 34 percent from a year earlier to 17.521 billion yuan, about 97.18 percent of the figure during the same period in 2019, basically recovering to the pre-COVID level.

随着疫情防控政策的优化调整,2023年春节假期河南文旅市场全面恢复。1月27日,记者从河南省文化和旅游厅获悉,截至1月27日,河南全省累计接待游客3375.28万人次,与2022年同期相比增长21.90%;全省累计旅游收入175.21亿元,与2022年同期相比增长34.00%;旅游人次比2019年同期增长5.08%,旅游收入为2019年同期97.18%,基本恢复到疫前水平。(中文来源/大河网 记者/莫绍华 编译/赵汉青 杨佳欣)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing