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Latest archaeological findings at mausoleum of Cao Cao unveiled

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-01-31 16:29

Latest archaeological findings at mausoleum of Cao Cao unveiled



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Latest archaeological findings at the mausoleum of Cao Cao (155-220), founder of the Wei (220-266), one of the three kingdoms in the Three Kingdoms period (220-280), suggested that the remains of the houses located to the west of the mausoleum were built during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) probably for those guarding the mausoleum. To the west of the mausoleum, archaeologists discovered the remains of drainage facilities and houses, with a large number of porcelain, coins and entertainment products unearthed. In 963, Zhao Kuangyin (927-976), the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), issued an imperial edict to protect the mausoleums of the former emperors, kings or celebrities. Three households were ordered to protect the mausoleum of Cao Cao at that time. Judging from the archaeological findings and historical documents, archaeologists believe that the remains of the houses mentioned above are probably related to those guarding the mausoleum.

1月30日,记者从河南省文物考古研究院获悉,“曹操高陵及陵园综合研究”国家社科基金项目又发表新的研究成果,曹操高陵西侧发现的宋元时期建筑基址,可能是北宋时期为曹操高陵设置的守陵户所在。考古工作者在曹操高陵西侧发现宋元时期排水设施和建筑遗迹,出土大量瓷器、钱币和娱乐用具。宋太祖赵匡胤于公元963年下诏为前代帝王名人墓冢设置守陵户,其中包括高陵,设置三户守陵户。考古专家经过综合研究认为,在曹操高陵西侧发现的这处建筑遗迹很可能与北宋设置的守陵户有关。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/张体义 编译/赵汉青 杨佳欣 审校/张军平)

Editor:He Menghe