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Henan Tops China in Broadband (Over 100Mbps) Subscribers in 2022

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-02-10 15:54

Henan Tops China in Broadband (Over 100Mbps) Subscribers in 2022



A news briefing was held by the Information Office of the People's Government of Henan Province on February 9 to introduce the implementation of the province's major practical works.

2月9日,河南省政府新闻办召开河南省“实事惠民生 聚力谋出彩”主题系列第二场新闻发布会,重点介绍2022年河南省重点民生实事落实情况。

The news briefing. [Photo/dahe.cn]

In 2022, Henan invested 13.79 billion yuan in the construction of new digital infrastructure and built 56 thousand new 5G base stations, exceeding the year's target of establishing 40 thousand new 5G base stations, bringing the total number of 5G base stations to 153.2 thousand and achieving full coverage of 5G network in areas above the township level. Besides, broadband (over 100Mbps) penetration rate in Henan reached 99 percent, ranking 1st in China, while that of broadband (over 1000Mbps) stood at 21.2 percent, ranking 2nd in China. It is worth noting that gigabit optical network has covered all areas above the township level in Henan.

据了解,2022年河南省完成新型数字基础设施建设投资137.9亿元,新开通5G基站5.6万个,提前超额完成省政府工作报告确定的“新增5G基站4万个”的目标任务,5G基站总数达到15.32万个,实现乡镇以上区域5G网络连续覆盖。同时,全省100兆以上宽带用户占比达到99%,居全国第1位,1000兆以上宽带用户占比达到21.2%,居全国第2位,乡镇以上区域实现千兆光网全覆盖。(中文来源/大河网 记者/申华 董蕾 编译/杨佳欣 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing