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Exploring Origin of Chinese Characters at Yin Ruins in Anyang

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-02-19 10:41

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Hello, everyone. Yin Ruins is an important stop in our 6-day journey to explore the origin of Chinese characters. What can we find here? Let's go and find out!



Distributed on both banks of the Huanhe River in the northwest suburbs of Anyang city, Central China's Henan province, the 3,300-year-old Yin Ruins has been confirmed by historic documents and archaeological excavations as the capital site of late Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC), the first such ruins so confirmed in Chinese history.



A large number of cultural relics, including stone tools, pottery wares, bronze wares, jade articles and oracle bones on which the earliest Chinese characters are carved, are collected and exhibited at the Yin Ruins Museum. With a history of over 3,000 years, oracle-bone inscriptions have advanced Chinese history by about 1,000 years.



Oracle-bone inscriptions are the oldest fully developed characters in China. So far, nearly 160 thousand pieces of oracle bones have been discovered with over 4,700 individual characters related to politics, military affairs, culture, social customs, astronomy, calendar and medicine found on them.





Editor:Zhao Hanqing