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China Gate Trucking Express Sets Up Distribution Center in Zhengzhou

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-02-24 17:18

China Gate Trucking Express Sets Up Distribution Center in Zhengzhou




In the near future, more trucks bearing the TIR sign from Central China's Henan province will be seen in the Belt and Road countries. On the morning of February 22, carrying 20 tons of cargo, a number of trucks operated by China Gate Trucking Express departed Zhengzhou city, capital of Henan, for Russia via the Bakhty Port in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, marking the successful launch of the distribution center of China Gate Trucking Express in Zhengzhou.



China gate trucking express sets up distribution center in Zhengzhou. [Photo provided to Henan Daily]

Aiming to transport cargo from China to other countries around the world by large trucks, the trucking express service has become a new type of freight service after air, sea and rail, and is regarded as the "fourth logistics channel". TIR or Transports Internationaux Routiers is a global customs transit system for moving goods across international borders based on the United Nations TIR Convention. Approved vehicles with TIR permits can enjoy simplified customs clearance services in all TIR countries.



"Loaded with general merchandise and auto parts made in Henan and its neighboring provinces, these trucks will enjoy simplified customs clearance services and reach Russia directly without cargo unloading or reshipping." According to Li Shaobin, president of China Gate Logistics Co., Ltd., the distribution center of China Gate Trucking Express in Zhengzhou will provide more services to foreign trade enterprises in Henan and other places across China, ensure smooth international logistics channel, support the construction of the "Land Silk Road", coordinate the development of the "Online Silk Road", and promote high-quality made-in-Henan and made-in-China products to go global.

“此次发车的中大门卡航专车均为豫A牌照,所载货物是来自河南及周边的日用百货、汽车零配件等,全程不倒装不卸货,便捷通关,直达目的地。”河南保税集团子公司中大门国际物流服务有限公司总裁李绍斌介绍,随着中大门卡航郑州集运中心正式投入运营,未来将更好地服务于河南及全国的外贸企业,畅通国际物流通道,助力“陆上丝绸之路”建设,协同“网上丝绸之路”业务拓展,促进中原优质产品走向世界和“中国制造”走出国门。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/王延辉 编译/赵汉青 杨佳欣 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:He Menghe