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Cars Made in Henan Popular in Overseas Markets

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-02-27 20:46

Cars Made in Henan Popular in Overseas Markets



"We have just finished customs clearance for more than 1,000 cars which will be exported to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and now we are getting ready for the next 2 days." Liu Yan, who is responsible for the customs affairs of SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Company Zhengzhou Branch, was snowed under with her work on the morning of February 22. "Our export orders have been booked until April. Now, our workshops are working at full capacity."



With a strong foreign trade rebound, "made-in-Henan" cars have been shining in overseas markets. Since 2022, Chinese brand cars made in Henan have witnessed an explosive surge in exports. Last year, 105.67 thousand cars valued at 12.51 billion yuan were exported from Henan to other countries around the world, up 3.6 times and 1.3 times year-on-year respectively. Up to now, cars made in Henan have been exported to more than 100 countries and regions around the world.

随着外贸行业的复苏,“河南造”汽车正加速驶向全球。据郑州海关消息,去年以来,上汽、宇通、华骏等“河南造”国产品牌汽车出口呈现爆发式增长。2022年全省汽车出口货值125.1亿元,同比增长1.3倍;出口汽车10.567万辆,同比增长3.6倍。截至目前,“河南造”汽车出口市场已增加至全球100多个国家和地区。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/孙静 编译/杨佳欣)

Editor:He Menghe