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Preliminary Assessment of China's Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in 2022 Released

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-02-28 14:17

Preliminary Assessment of China's Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in 2022 Released



A preliminary assessment of China's top 10 new archaeological discoveries in 2022 was released via the official WeChat account of the National Cultural Heritage Administration on February 27. By voting, 22 archaeological items advanced to the next round of evaluation, including 3 from Central China's Henan province, namely the multi-grid layout discovered at the Erlitou site in Luoyang city, the royal mausoleums and their surrounding remains of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) at the Yin Ruins in Anyang city, and the ruins of Zhouqiao Bridge and Bianhe River in Kaifeng city.

2月27日,记者从国家文物局官方微信公众号获悉,2022年度全国十大考古新发现初评结果揭晓。根据投票结果,共22个项目入围终评,其中河南有3个项目入选,分别是河南偃师二里头都邑多网格式布局、河南安阳殷墟商王陵及周边遗存以及河南开封州桥及附近汴河遗址。(中文来源/顶端新闻·河南商报 记者/张弋 编译/杨佳欣 审校/张军平)

Editor:He Menghe