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Henan's Feb Logistics Performance Index Higher Than National Average

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-03-15 23:00

Henan's Feb Logistics Performance Index Higher Than National Average

供需走强 物流回暖 2月河南省物流业景气指数高于全国


According to the data released by the Development and Reform Commission of Henan Province and the Federation of Logistics and Purchasing of Henan Province, due to the recovery of both supply and demand and driven by the accelerated production of enterprises, Henan's logistics performance index (LPI) recovered to 50.3 percent in February, 0.2 percentage points higher than the national average and 4.8 percentage points higher than the previous month.



"The growth of Henan's LPI kept the pace with the recovery of its economy. The ratio of exceeding 50 percent indicates the fast development of Henan's logistics sector at the moment and reflects the strong resilience of the province's economy." According to Li Peng, secretary-general of the Federation of Logistics and Purchasing of Henan Province, the high index of Henan's LPI growth in February is closely related with the province's incomparable geographical advantages, sound transportation system and commitment to building a modern logistics system in recent years. "By the end of 2022, Henan has established 6 national logistics hubs, grounding a solid foundation for the province's further logistics development." said Li.

“物流业景气指数与河南省经济稳定恢复的节奏保持一致,指数超过50%的荣枯线,说明行业发展处于扩张期,折射出河南省经济恢复良好、韧劲十足。”河南省物流与采购联合会秘书长李鹏分析,河南省物流业景气指数能够高于全国平均水平,也与河南省的区位优势明显、交通体系健全,以及近年来着力打造现代物流体系密不可分。“去年河南省国家物流枢纽增至6个,有了大枢纽为发展大物流提供了基础支撑。”李鹏说。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/路彦萃 编译/赵汉青 杨佳欣 审校/焦丹)

Editor:He Menghe