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Henan Bonded Logistics Center's Foreign Trade Value Grows 330% in Jan-Feb

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-03-30 16:54

Henan Bonded Logistics Center's Foreign Trade Value Grows 330% in Jan-Feb

开放平台带动能力持续增强 河南省保税物流中心前2个月外贸额增长3.3倍

March 22 brought good news from Zhengzhou Customs -- Henan Bonded Logistics Center has become a new growth pole for the high-quality development of Henan's foreign trade, with its import and export value standing at 1.62 billion yuan in the first two months of 2023, a 330 percent rise from the same period of the previous year.



A batch of raw materials for hair products worth 6.12 million yuan, imported by a Xuchang foreign trade company, arrived at Xuchang Bonded Logistics Center several days ago. According to a staff of this company, a total of 56 batches of raw materials for hair products worth over 80 million yuan were imported in the previous two months, with an import value 1,100 percent higher over the same period last year.



Import taxes are not necessary before cargo is shipped out of the bonded zone, which could save costs for businesses. Bonded warehousing helps enterprises to import raw materials in advance, hence resolving such issues as supply chain instability. In addition, enterprises in bonded logistics centers could access to one-stop services for international logistics, export rebates, etc. These preferential policies offered by bonded logistics centers have attracted a large number of foreign trade enterprises.

产品不出区就不用付进口税款从而可以降低成本;依托保税仓储业务提前进口原料可以解决供应链不稳定等问题;入区企业还可“一站式”办理国际物流配送、出口退税等业务……“大礼包”式的利好吸引外贸企业纷纷在保税物流中心备案。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/孙静 编译/赵汉青 杨佳欣 播音/实习生陈叶亮 审校/李文竞

Editor:Zhao Hanqing