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Henan's 1st cross-continental wide-body freighter debuted

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-04-14 18:17

Henan's 1st cross-continental wide-body freighter debuted

“空中丝路”再添新动力 河南首架跨洋宽体货机投运


Decorated with blue-and-white porcelain patterns symbolizing the Silk Road spirit on the body and a Chinese character “中” on the tail, a Boeing 747-400 all-cargo aircraft was being loaded at a parking apron at around 10 a.m. on April 13 in Zhengzhou airport's north cargo zone in Central China's Henan province.



Loaded with electronic products and textiles from Zhengzhou to New Delhi of India, this newly-added freighter is run by China Central Longhao Airlines, also the first wide-body all-cargo aircraft in Henan province.



Why does the wide-body all-cargo plane enjoy a reputation of "superjumbo" ? With a maximum load capacity of 117 tons and a travel distance of over 8,200 kilometers, it is also featured by its nose cargo door, which is bound to facilitate the loading of extra-large cargo.



Two weekly round trips are scheduled between Zhengzhou and New Delhi. As a new air freight route opened by Longhao Airlines, it helps to further expand the "air corridor" between Central China, Japan, South Korea and the Southeast Asian countries together with Longhao's other two air routes to Osaka of Japan and Hanoi of Vietnam, thus bringing Henan closer to the RCEP markets and promoting foreign trade liberalization and facilitation. In the years to come, Longhao will carry out  regular intercontinental freight routes between Zhengzhou and Budapest, London, Milan and other transportation hubs in Europe.

据悉,该架飞机目前将执飞郑州至新德里往返国际货运航线,每周2班,与中原龙浩现有的郑州至大阪往返、郑州至河内往返等航线形成交互通道,进一步拓宽中国中部地区至日韩、东南亚国家的进出口物流“空中经济走廊”,推动河南加快对接RCEP区域大市场,助力贸易自由化、便利化;未来,将常态化执飞郑州往返布达佩斯、伦敦、米兰等欧洲重要交通枢纽的洲际货运航线。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/董娉 孙静 编译/杨佳欣 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:He Menghe