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Zhengzhou railway's single-day passenger flow hits record high during May Day holiday

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-05-04 14:51

Zhengzhou railway's single-day passenger flow hits record high during May Day holiday




The five-day May Day holiday (April 29-May 3) saw 3.87 million passenger journeys at China Railway Zhengzhou Group Co Ltd's major stations, a 31 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019 (April 30-May 4). On average, 774 thousand passengers were handled per day, with a single-day record of 830,100 travelers.



During the holiday, cross-provincial and short-distance travel continued to account for the majority of passenger traffic. In certain periods, passenger flows were highly concentrated due to the increased travel demands of visitors, families, and business people. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Dalian were popular destinations outside the province, while Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Nanyang, Shangqiu, Zhoukou and Anyang were popular destinations within the province. To meet the increased demand for travel, Henan's railway authority planned 1,164 passenger trains operating on average every 74 seconds per day, 1,202 passenger trains on peak days, and an average of 60 additional passenger trains per day.

“五一”假期,国铁集团郑州局管内跨省客流和短途客流较大,旅游流、探亲流、商务流叠加,部分时段客流高度集中,其中直通主要流向为北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、成都、大连等地;管内客流主要集中在郑州、洛阳、南阳、商丘、周口、安阳等地。国铁集团郑州局按照“一日一图”细化安排各方向运力,方便旅客出行,日均开行旅客列车1164趟,平均74秒开行一趟列车,高峰日开行旅客列车1201趟,日均加开临客列车60趟。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/郭北晨 编译/杨佳欣 审校/李文竞)

Editor:He Menghe