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Belarusian frozen beef transported to Zhengzhou by 'Zhongyu' freight train for 1st time

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-05-15 21:09

Belarusian frozen beef transported to Zhengzhou by 'Zhongyu' freight train for 1st time

中欧班列(中豫号)冷链业务“货”力全开 首批白俄罗斯冻牛肉抵郑


A "new bridge" has been built as the "driving force" to promote the growth of international trade. For the first time the Belarusian frozen beef was transported to Zhengzhou city of Central China's Henan province via the "Zhongyu" China-Europe freight train on the afternoon of May 12, followed by a large number of other frozen products. The recovery of international cold chain logistics will accelerate the construction of Zhengzhou cold chain trading center in Central China, further stimulate the consumption of imported cold-chain foods and power the growth of the province's foreign trade at a faster pace.

大河网讯 架起“新桥梁”,激发国际贸易的“强动能”,进口牛肉“疫”去复还。5月12日下午,首批通过中欧班列(中豫号)运输的白俄罗斯冷冻牛肉抵达郑州国际陆港,随后一大批进口冷冻产品将陆续抵运郑州。有关人士表示,国际冷链业务重启和复苏,将助力郑州加快形成中部地区冷链交易中心,进一步激发进口冷链食品消费活力,助力河南省进出口贸易实现更快增长。


Belarusian frozen beef transported to Zhengzhou by "Zhongyu" freight train for 1st time. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

The "Zhongyu" China-Europe freight trains help ensure the safe and smooth operation of international trade by upgrading the China-Europe land logistics corridor. Compared to the previous rail-sea combined mode to transport goods from Belarus to China via Russia, the direct transport mode of the "Zhongyu" China-Europe freight trains can help greatly reduce the delivery time. Besides, by contrast with the air freight mode, it can help lower logistics costs for companies.



As the "Iron Camels" running on the "Land Silk Road", the "Zhongyu" China-Europe freight trains have made nearly 8,000 trips by May 12, 2023. Now, the "Zhongyu" China-Europe freight train service has changed from a freight rail line to a national model project and formed an international logistics network featuring "multiple stations and ports", a "1+N" global logistics hub system as well as a "channel+hub+port" opening-up pattern. Apart from providing rail freight service, the "Zhongyu" China-Europe freight trains have involved itself in international trade and achieved the sound development by "boosting trade through freight business, promoting freight business through trade and integrating freight business with trade". Different from the outdated inefficient logistics mode, the "Zhongyu" China-Europe freight trains are more informationized, intelligent and digitalized. Now, Zhengzhou is on its way to build itself into a China-Europe freight train assembly center, which helps transform the operation of the "Zhongyu" China-Europe freight trains from "point-to-point" to "hub-to-hub" and speed up the construction of an efficient collection and distribution system featuring hub-and-spoke paradigm.

据悉,中欧班列(中豫号)作为奔跑在亚欧大陆上连通“陆上丝绸之路”的“钢铁驼队”,截至2023年5月12日,已累计开行近8000班,班列自开行以来不断创新,由单一的铁路运输到成为国家级多式联运示范工程;由唯一阿拉山口出境口岸到现在的“多站点多口岸”国际物流网络和“1+N”境内外物流枢纽体系,构建“通道+枢纽+口岸”开放格局;由最初的班列业务进军到国际贸易并实现“以运带贸,以贸促运、运贸一体”良性发展;由传统低效的物流模式到信息化、智能化“数字化班列”;获批并开展中欧班列集结中心示范工程建设,促进中欧班列开行由“点对点”向“枢纽对枢纽”转变,加快形成“干支结合、枢纽集散”的高效集疏运体系。(中文来源/大河网 编译/杨佳欣 审校/丁岚)

Editor:He Menghe