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Luoyang sends over 170,000 tons of Henan-made products to Central Asia in past 5 years

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-05-18 22:24

Luoyang sends over 170,000 tons of Henan-made products to Central Asia in past 5 years

洛阳:中亚班列5年间开行145列 运送“河南造”17万多吨


The 31st China Railway Express freight train dispatched by Dongfanghong (Luoyang) International Land Port this year departed Luoyang city of Henan province in Central China on May 17 for Central Asia directly carrying 100 TEUs or 1,042 tons of various Henan-made goods worth over 2.10 million yuan, including refractory materials, mechanical equipment, photovoltaic components, home building materials, etc.



Dongfanghong (Luoyang) International Land Port has handled a total of 10,559 TEUs of cargo over the past four months, a 26 percent increase from the previous year. Due to the round-trip service to Central Asia, it is not surprising that the number of China Railway Express freight train trips from Luoyang has reached a record high.



In recent years, economic and commercial ties between China and the five Central Asian nations have grown closer. China's bilateral trade with five Central Asian nations reached a record high of $70.2 billion in 2022, a 40 percent increase from the previous year.



According to Huang Xiaokang, general manager of China YTO Group Logistics Company who is the pioneer and witness of the round trip service between Luoyang and Central Asia, in recent years, by taking advantage of Luoyang as an important city along the Belt and Road route and actively participating in the Belt and Road construction, China YTO Group Logistics Company has transported more than 170 thousand tons of Henan-made goods worth 430 million US dollars to Central Asia during the 145 freight services over the past 5 years. "Luoyang's China Railway Express freight trains have provided service to almost 100 enterprises, providing a convenient and efficient export channel for Luoyang by sending local high-quality products to the five Central Asian countries," said Huang Xiaokang.

作为开启洛阳至中亚地区往返通道的首创者和亲历者,中国一拖物流公司总经理黄晓康介绍,近年来,中国一拖物流公司立足自身资源,充分发挥洛阳作为“一带一路”重要节点城市优势,积极融入“一带一路”建设,自开行首趟中亚班列以来,5年间共开行145列,运送“河南造”17万多吨,货值4.3亿美元。“洛阳中豫号班列源源不断地将本地的优质产品发往中亚五国,成功服务近百家企业,为洛阳地区提供了一条便捷高效的出口通道。”黄晓康说。(中文来源/河南日报 编译/杨佳欣 审校/李文竞)

Editor:He Menghe