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Henan's Jan-April import and export value exceeds 260 billion yuan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-05-18 22:35

Henan's Jan-April import and export value exceeds 260 billion yuan



News from Zhengzhou Customs on May 17 -- In the first four months of this year, the import and export value of Henan province in Central China totaled 263.85 billion yuan, ranking ninth in China and first in Central China, essentially the same as the first quarter. Exports contributed 178.86 billion yuan, a 9 percent increase from the previous year, while imports contributed 84.99 billion yuan, resulting in a trade surplus of 93.87 billion yuan, an increase of 54.8 percent.



During the period, Henan's foreign trade with its top five trading partners, namely the United States (52.23 billion yuan), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (33.69 billion yuan), the European Union (30.03 billion yuan), South Korea (24.51 billion yuan), and China's Taiwan region (13.59 billion yuan), accounted for 58.4 percent of the province's total.



In addition, Henan's foreign trade with RCEP member countries increased 3.6 percent year-on-year to 79.82 billion yuan, accounting for 30.3 percent of the province's total, an increase of 1.5 percentage points from the previous year.



Over the past four months, Henan's trade with Belt and Road countries and regions increased 10.4 percent year-on-year to 77.68 billion yuan, contributing 29.4 percent to the province's total, 3.1 percentage points more than the previous year, while trade with the five countries in Central Asia (Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in particular) increased 45.9 percent year-on-year to 1.73 billion yuan, contributing 0.7 percent.

此外,河南与“一带一路”沿线国家进出口776.8亿元,增长10.4%,占29.4%,占比较去年同期增加3.1个百分点;对中亚5国进出口17.3亿元,增长45.9%,占0.7%,进出口对象主要是乌兹别克斯坦与哈萨克斯坦。(中文来源/大河网 编译/杨佳欣 审校/李文竞)

Editor:He Menghe