Flowers Blossoming Over China: Demystify 'roses' some 5,000 years ago Published:2023-05-29 16:41

Flowers Blossoming Over China

Demystify 'roses' some 5,000 years ago

仰韶玫瑰 花开中国



The Miaodigou Yangshao Culture Museum is located in the Miaodigou Archaeological Site Park in Sanmenxia city of Central China's Henan province. Stepping into the Museum, you can see a huge dome decorated with petal patterns, the most representative ornamentation of Miaodigou-style painted pottery. In fact, these designs are more than mere decorations. Then, what are the implications of those patterns?


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Petal decorations symbolize reproduction, culture and the Chinese nation. Thousands of years ago, the local people painted petals on their utensils with smooth lines and harsh brushstrokes. Every two adjacent five-petal flowers are connected by sharing one petal, showing the good wishes for life reproduction and ethnic prosperity. In addition to the colorful petal patterns, the painted pottery wares are also engraved with other designs of sun, moon, geometric shapes and vibrant animals.

庙底沟之花,是繁衍之花,是文化之花,是华夏之花。庙底沟的先民们,用流畅的线条和出露的笔锋,在生活器物彩陶上描绘花瓣纹饰。彩陶上的五瓣纹花朵两两相连,彼此共用一片花瓣,反映了先民们对生命繁衍的美好寄托和对种族繁荣的美好希冀。除了争奇斗艳的花瓣纹饰,庙底沟彩陶上还刻有生龙活虎的动物纹、光彩照人的日月纹和神秘莫测的几何纹。(文案:杨佳欣 何蒙贺 视频素材来源:今日消费 审校:丁岚)

Editor:He Menghe