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A glimpse of Dragon Boat Festival through Hongloumeng or The Story of Stone

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-06-22 10:53

A glimpse of Dragon Boat Festival through Hongloumeng or The Story of Stone


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NB: This is not a word-for-word transcript


"This was the day of the Dragon Boat Festival. The doors were hung with mugwort and rushes, everyone wore tiger-charms, and Lady Wang gave a family feast at midday to which Aunt Xue and her daughter were invited."



This excerpt from Hongloumeng or The Story of Stone, one of the four great classics of Chinese literature, describes the traditions of one of China's major traditional festivals -- Duanwu or the Dragon Boat Festival.



In September 2009, the Dragon Boat Festival was listed among the world's intangible cultural heritage, becoming the first Chinese festival enjoying this "tittle".



Now let's interview some citizens to see how much they know about the origin and traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival.



Question one: Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival?


Answer: The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan.


Question two:Do you know the traditions of this festival?


Answer: Eating zongzirowing dragon boat, making  sachets.


Yes, eating zongzi or traditional Chinese sticky rice dumplings is one of the traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival. Now let's learn how to make a zongzi.



Step 1

Pick a leaf of reed and fold it into the funnel



Step 2

Add soaked glutinous rice to the leaf



Step 3

Add dates, peanuts and other fillings



Step 4

Bend the long leaves around the whole zongzi



Step 5

Finally, wrap zongzi with a string and tie the string tightly



Now, I have made a glutinous rice dumpling by myself.



Glutinous rice dumplings refer to glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in reed leaves. In North China, people prefer to eat sweet glutinous rice dumplings with dates and red-bean paste. While in South China, the preference is for salty glutinous rice dumplings with five-spice coated fatty pork, salted egg yolk and ham.



As is described in The Story of Stone, besides eating glutinous rice dumplings, people also drink realgar wine (a traditional Chinese wine that is believed to ward off insects and diseases), wear a sachet, and hang mugwort leaves and calamus on their doors.

正如《红楼梦》中描述的那样,除了吃粽子外,人们还会在端午节喝雄黄酒、佩戴香囊、并在家门上挂艾叶和菖蒲。(杨佳欣 何蒙贺)

Editor:He Menghe