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Discover the 'earliest China' in Luoyang

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-07-01 22:45

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A conference on the development of cultural tourism, cultural and creative industries commenced in Luoyang, Henan province, on the evening of June 29. Do you know that the "earliest China" is also located in Luoyang? Let's find out.



Now, I'm right here at the Erlitou Site Museum of the Capital of Xia Dynasty (2,070-1,600 BC), which is built on the ruins of "earliest China".



What is the most important discovery at the Erlitou Site? Is it the exquisite and vivid Turquoise-inlaid Dragon-shaped Bronze Object? Is it the elaborate and exquisite Turquoise-inlaid Bronze Plaque?



As for me, I think it is the "井"-shaped road network in the center of the site. According to the archaeologists, there are at least 4 roads (2 vertical roads and 2 horizontal ones) in the central area of the Erlitou Site, each 10-20 meters in width. The crisscross roads divide the ancient capital city into many square and regular grids with different functions, forming a multigrid layout. The multigrid layout of the Erlitou site give us clues of the origin of a Chinese idiom -- “井井有条” and “井然有序”.



so far, the Erlitou site has been identified as China's earliest imperial city with the earliest urban road network, palace complex, bronze ritual vessels and state-owned workshops. The Erlitou site covers a total area of 3 million square meters, but only less than 2 percent has been excavated. More puzzles are waiting to be uncovered.

迄今为止,在二里头遗址发现有目前所知中国最早的宫城、最早的城市干道网、最早的宫殿建筑群、最早的青铜礼器群,以及最早的官营作坊区等。二里头遗址总面积300万平方米,目前已发掘面积不足2%,更多的考古发现等待着探索。(杨佳欣 何蒙贺)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing