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Shangjie embraces 1st return trip of CR Express freight train

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-07-11 10:41

Shangjie embraces 1st return trip of CR Express freight train



On the morning of July 6, a China Railway (CR) Express freight train loaded with 62 TEUs (1,580 tons) of boards imported from Russia arrived in Shangjie district of Zhengzhou city, Central China's Henan province, marking the first time that a CR Express freight train finished its return trip to Shangjie and the successful launch of a two-way freight train service between Shangjie and the countries and regions along the Belt and Road, which is a new step for Henan's Belt and Road construction following the debut of Shangjie's rail-sea combined freight train service and China-Russia international freight train service in last October.

7月6日上午,一列满载62个集装箱共计1580吨进口板材的“俄罗斯—郑州上街”回程班列,顺利抵达上街。这是上街区首趟中欧班列(中豫号)回程班列,是继去年10月上街区开通海铁联运国际班列、中俄国际班列以来,又开辟的一条国际线路,标志着上街区与“一带一路”沿线国家和地区实现了国际货运班列双向互通、在融入“一带一路”建设中迈出了新步伐。(中文来源:大河报 记者:李岚 编译:赵汉青 杨佳欣 审校:丁岚)

Editor:He Menghe