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Zhengzhou-Manila air freight route opened

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-08-08 12:10

Zhengzhou-Manila air freight route opened



Loaded with 15 tons of live eels worth about 500 thousand yuan, an all-cargo plane operated by China Central Longhao Airlines from Manila, the capital of the Philippines, arrived at Zhengzhou airport on August 2, marking the successful launch of a new international air freight route by Zhengzhou airport in 2023, which helps expand the international air freight network of Zhengzhou airport and strengthen the influence of Zhengzhou as an international air freight hub.



Customs clearance only cost 1 hour. It is scheduled to run 3 times per week, and will be increased to 6 in September. The exports are mainly cross-border e-commerce cargo, while the imports are mainly fresh products, such as eels, durians and frozen fishes.



As the expansion project of the designated supervision site for imported edible aquatic animals was completed in August, 2022, a diverse range of fresh products will be imported to Zhengzhou by cargo planes. Fueled by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement, Zhengzhou airport is now embracing more fresh products from Southeast Asia.



Statistically, the imports of edible aquatic animals via Zhengzhou airport reached 917.8 tons in the first 7 months of 2023. Facing the increased demand for customs clearance, the airport customs, together with Henan Airport Group, has launched a "green channel", aiming to provide fast customs clearance for imported fresh products. Besides, the 24/7 customs clearance service is available now, thus greatly shortening the customs clearance period.

据统计,今年前7个月,郑州航空口岸进口食用水生动物917.8吨。面对持续增长的业务量,为保障黄鳝等抢“鲜”上市,郑州机场海关联合河南机场集团,开辟进境生鲜“绿色通道”,实行“7×24小时”通关查验,最大程度压缩通关时长,确保进口食用水生动物随到随检、合格即放。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/宋敏 编译/杨佳欣 审校/张军平)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing