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Kaifeng Comprehensive Bonded Zone gets off to a good start

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-08-17 16:01

Kaifeng Comprehensive Bonded Zone gets off to a good start

开封综保区实现“开门红” 运行首月进出口货值破亿元


Kaifeng Comprehensive Bonded Zone has been an important source of impetus for the steady growth of the city's foreign trade, gradually unleashing economic and social benefits. Since its debut on July 3, it has handled 119 million yuan of cargo, getting off to a good start, said a source from Kaifeng Customs on August 10.



Commodities handled at the zone were mainly agricultural machinery, cosmetics, refined copper and so on. The value of commodities that have not been formally cleared by customs reached 90.4184 million yuan, while that of those having gone through customs stood at 28.9681 million yuan. It is worth noting that within a month, Kaifeng Comprehensive Bonded Zone handled 149.037 tons of cargo and collected 67.4 thousand yuan of tariffs. Besides, Kaifeng also adopts the "1210" customs supervision mode by which 30.0847 million yuan of cosmetics has been imported.

据介绍,封关运行第一个月,开封综合保税区进出口主要商品为农用机械、化妆品及精炼铜等,其中一线进出口货值9041.84万元,二线进出口货值2896.81万元,监管总货运量1490.37吨,实际征收税款6.74万元。同时,综保区还首次开展跨境电商“1210”模式,进口商品为化妆品,货值3008.47万元。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/龚砚庆 编译/杨佳欣 周金淼 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing