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Great Rivers Civilizations丨Shaolin Kungfu wows the world

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-09-17 20:04

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The Shaolin Temple sits at the western foot of Songshan Mountain about 13 km northwest of urban Dengfeng. It is not only the origin of Chinese Zen Buddhism, but also the birthplace of the largest school of Chinese martial arts, which is the Shaolin School.

少林寺位于登封市区西北 13 公里处的中岳嵩山西麓,不仅是中国佛教禅宗的祖庭,还是中国武术最大流派一一少林派的发源地。

The Shaolin Temple covers an area of over 36,000 square meters and currently has numerous stone inscriptions, plaques, colorful murals, Shaolin boxing pits created by Kungfu monks when doing practices, and ancient and famous trees. The Shaolin Temple Pagoda Forest, knownas the "Museum of Chinese Ancient Pagoda Art", preserves 241 ancient pagodas and 2 modern pagodas dating from 689 to 1803. The Ancestral Temple of Shaolin Temple, built in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), is a valuable evidence of China's first architectural classic, "The Way to Create," which was compiled by Li Jie of the Song Dynasty. These precious cultural relics and buildings combine to be a historical witness to the development of the Shaolin Temple, hence possessing high historical, artistic, and scientific value.

少林寺占地面积 36000 余平方米,现存众多碑刻、匾额、彩色壁画、少林拳站桩坑和古树名木等。少林寺塔林保存了公元 689 年至 1803 年间的古塔 241 座和现代塔2座,被誉为“中国古塔艺术博物馆”。少林寺初祖庵建于宋代 (公元 960-1279 年),是中国第一部建筑宝典一一由宋代李诫编著的《营造法式》最初的珍贵实证。这些珍贵文物与建筑是少林寺发展的历史见证,具有较高的历史、艺术、科学价值。(赵汉青 杨佳欣)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao