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The 7th Chinese Poetry Festival kicks off in Zhengzhou

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-09-21 21:50

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Poems originating in the Central Plains create a melody for the Chinese civilization. Tonight, the 7th Chinese Poetry Festival kicks off at Henan Art Center in Zhengzhou city of Central China's Henan province.


The Chinese Poetry Festival is a carnival of poetry of the highest level in China, held every 3 years since 2005. From September 21 to 27, over 120 well-known poets, critics, scholars, and chief editors from poetry journals at home and abroad will gather together in Zhengzhou to share their ideas on the inheritance and development of poetry. Besides, from September 23, a 5-day field trip will be held to explore the charm of Chinese poetry across Henan.

中国诗歌节是国内最高规格的诗歌盛会,每三年一届。9月21日至27日,120余名国内外著名诗人、评论家、学者及部分诗歌刊物主编汇聚河南,共话诗歌传承与发展。此外,9月23日,为期5天的采风活动将正式拉开帷幕,让我们跟着诗词行走中原大地!(杨佳欣 周金淼)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing