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125 million parcels collected in Henan during double holiday

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-10-08 16:06

125 million parcels collected in Henan during double holiday


A total of 125 million parcels were collected during the just-concluded Golden Week (from September 29 to October 6) with a year-on-year increase of 20.84 percent, while 154 million parcels were delivered, up 27.35 percent year-on-year, according to Henan Postal Administration on October 7.


"During the 8-day 'double holiday', when the Mid-Autumn Festival was immediately followed by the National Day, online sales related to food and daily necessities maintained robust growth thanks to the enhanced consumer confidence, leading to high demand for delivery, so we promptly launched customized service solutions to guarantee the delivery service needs of different categories effectively," according to China Post Group Henan Branch.

“中秋国庆假期叠加,居民消费信心增强,食品、日用品等商品网络销售火爆,特色产品和节庆寄递需求旺盛,我们及时启动定制化寄递服务解决方案,有效保障了不同品类的寄递服务需求。”中国邮政集团有限公司河南省分公司相关负责人介绍。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/胡舒彤 编译/周金淼 杨佳欣 审校/张军平)

Editor:Zhou Jinmiao