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Henan in Poetry⑩丨Today, Start of Winter

Source:dahe.cn Published:2023-11-08 15:12

Today, Start of Winter


Recently, the topic that "there are only summer and winter in Henan province" has become a hit online. The plummeting temperature, with cold wind and rain, sends a signal that winter has arrived. Today marks Start of Winter, the 19th solar term of the 24 solar terms on the Chineses solar calender, which begins this year on November 8 and ends on November 21.


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Start of Winter, the 1st solar term in winter, signals the beginning of winter. During this period, as the weather gets colder, the Chinese people start heading into winter. The gradually colder weather also aroused in the hearts of ancient Chinese poets a great deal of poetic feeling. They left many famous works, including Snow Atop the Southern Mountains written by Zu Yong, a Tang Dynasty poet.


How fair the gloomy mountainside! Snow-crowned peaks float above the cloud.


The forest's bright in sunset dyed, with evening cold the town's overflowed.


Zu Yong, a Tang Dynasty poet, was born in Luoyang city of Central China's Henan province. His poems usually depict landscapes and chant things, advocating recluse life. He was known to the world because of this poem, which is a classic poem about snow.


Editor:Zhao Hanqing